Friday, April 26, 2013

Projects Underway

Parking Garage 3 is finally under construction but there's very little to show you at this point other than a green fence surrounding dirt being moved around by cranes. Doesn't make for very exciting photographs but the good news is, it's underway. Very much doubt it'll be ready by the home football opener vs MTSU on September 21st but it could be open by the Shula Bowl on 11/29 (official word from FAU is "late Fall 2013").

Unfortunately, I'm hearing that Garage 3 will not have retail when it opens. Guess this is to be expected since there haven't been any announcements about it and nobody seemed to know what was going on there until now. Pretty bummed about that.

Other projects that FAU is working on:

- The $2M Centre Marketplace expansion, expected to open mid-July 2013.

 - $1.8M addition to the Memory & Wellness Center, funded by donation.

- Trauma Simulation Center for the Med School in the R&D park.

- The College of Urban and Regional Planning is consolidating in Boca while the School of Graphic Design and Multimedia is shipping down to the Davie campus.

- Campus Rec is looking into a "Design [for an] outdoor sports facility incl Vollyball, tennis & basketball courts" but that project is classified as ON HOLD.A basketball court and a sand volleyball court are in the design for the courtyard of the new dorm, Parliament Hall.

- Along those lines is a "QUOTE - Add three sand Volleyball Courts west of Oxley." WEST of the Oxley? West of the Oxley is the football practice fields, so they must mean even west of that... but that seems pretty out of the way to put up some sand volleyball courts.

- Renovation for the Student Union lobby, including new furniture. This may be tied to the upcoming expansion of the Union.

- Quote to add a projection screen to the Founders Lounge.

- Repaving 20th Street.

Nothing new on:

- Construction of University Park on 20th Street.

- 20th Street becoming University Boulevard.

In other news:

- The Team Store on the second floor of the stadium opened for the Spring Game, so now there are two team stores in the stadium.

- The Jupiter campus held their first TED conference and it went well. For those who aren't familiar with the event, TED stands for "Technology, Education and Design." The so-called "TED talks" originated in California and have drawn in a ton of fascinating speakers to discuss advances in their respective fields, usually via story. Here's a great example:

FAU's conference may not have drawn in any famous speakers during its first go-around but it's a start and a step in the right direction. Hope it spreads to the Boca campus as well.

                                                                             GO OWLS!

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